Broom Vs Vacuum

Broom Vs Vacuum – Which One Is Best For You?

There’s a never-ending debate about whether to use a broom or vacuum to clean floors. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is the best for your home? 

It can be hard to decide which cleaning tool is right for you.

In short, brooms are easy to use and store, and best for hard work, but they don’t always pick up all the dirt and dust. Vacuums are more powerful and can get into tight spaces, but they’re bulky and often difficult to maneuver. 

I created this guide to help you decide which tool is best for your needs. I’ll compare the pros and cons of brooms and vacuums so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

So without further discussion let’s get started!

Vacuum Vs Broom – What’s The Difference?

To compare and contrast these two cleaning tools, consider the following 8 points below.

1) Type of Work

When it comes to choosing between a broom and a vacuum, the first thing you need to think about is the type of work you’ll be doing.

Are you cleaning a large area like a living room or kitchen? Or are you cleaning a smaller space like a bathroom? The size of the area you’re cleaning will play a big role in deciding which tool is right for you.

If you’re cleaning a large area, then a vacuum is probably your best bet. Vacuums can cover a lot of ground quickly and they’re great for picking up dirt, dust, and pet hair.

On the other hand, if you’re only cleaning a small space, then a broom might be all you need. Brooms are less powerful than vacuums, but they’re also more maneuverable. This makes them ideal for cleaning tight spaces like under furniture or in corners.

2) Surface Type

Another thing to consider is the type of surface you’ll be cleaning.

Are you cleaning hardwood floors, carpets, or tiles? Each surface has its unique challenges and you’ll need to use the right tool to clean it properly.

For example, if you’re cleaning hardwood floors, then a broom is probably your best option. Brooms can sweep up dust and dirt without scratching the floor.

On the other hand, if you’re cleaning carpets, then a vacuum is a better choice. Vacuums are designed to deep clean carpets and they’re much more effective than brooms at removing pet hair, dust, and dirt.

3) Amount of Dirt

Another factor to consider is the amount of dirt you’re dealing with.

Are you cleaning a space that’s just a little dusty? Or are you cleaning a really dirty space? The amount of dirt will play a big role in deciding which tool is right for you.

If you’re just dealing with a little bit of dust, then a broom is probably all you need. Brooms are quick and easy to use and they can help get rid of light surface dirt.

On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a lot of dirt, then a vacuum is your best bet. Vacuums are more powerful than brooms and they can help you get rid of heavier dirt and debris.

4) Cleaning Efficiency

Cleaning is also one of the most important factors to consider.

How quickly do you need to clean the space? And how well does the tool actually clean? The efficiency of the tool will play a big role in deciding which one is right for you.

If you need to clean quickly, then a vacuum is probably your best bet. Vacuums can cover a lot of ground quickly and they’re very effective at picking up dirt and dust.

On the other hand, if you’re not worried about time and you just want a thorough clean, then a broom is a better choice. Brooms might take longer to use, but they’re also very good at getting rid of dirt and dust.

5) Storage Space

Another thing to think about is storage space.

Do you have a lot of room to store a bulky vacuum? Or are you limited on space and need to store a smaller broom? The amount of space you have will play a big role in deciding which tool is right for you.

If you have a lot of room to store a vacuum, then it’s probably your best bet. Vacuums are very effective at cleaning, but they can also be bulky and difficult to store.

On the other hand, if you’re limited on space, then a broom is a better choice. Brooms are smaller and more compact than vacuums, so they’re easier to store in small spaces.

6) Cost

Cost is also an important factor to consider.

Vacuums can be expensive, but they’re also very effective at cleaning. On the other hand, brooms are much cheaper than vacuums, but they’re not as effective at cleaning.

So, how much money you’re willing to spend will play a big role in deciding which tool is right for you.

If you’re looking for a powerful and efficient tool, then a vacuum is probably your best bet. Vacuums can be expensive, but they’re worth the investment if you need a good quality clean.

On the other hand, if you’re on a budget, then a broom is a better choice. Brooms are much cheaper than vacuums and they can still help you get rid of dirt and dust.

7) Design and Working Mechanism 

Both are designed to make cleaning easier, but they work in different ways.

A broom uses a sweeping motion to collect dirt and dust while a vacuum uses suction to remove dirt and dust from surfaces.

8) Durability 

Brooms are typically made out of plastic or straw while vacuums are usually made out of metal or plastic.

This means that vacuums are usually more durable than brooms and they can last longer. However, this also means that vacuums are usually more expensive than brooms.

So Which One Is Best For You Broom vs Vacuum?

Well, it depends on a few things. If you have mostly hardwood or tile floors, then a broom is probably the best way to go. If you have mostly carpets, then a vacuum is probably the better option.

If you have a lot of stairs in your home, then a broom might be the better option as well. Vacuums can be a bit cumbersome to lug up and down stairs, whereas brooms are much lighter and easier to maneuver.

Another thing to consider is how much dust and debris you typically have in your home. If you live in a dusty area or have pets that shed a lot, then a vacuum with strong suction power will be more effective at keeping your floors clean.

On the other hand, if you don’t have much dust or debris in your home, then a broom will likely do the trick.


While there are many benefits to using a broom, in the end, the vacuum cleaner is still king when it comes to cleaning floors. Brooms can’t quite reach all the nooks and crannies that a vacuum can, and they don’t have the sucking power to get rid of all the dirt and dust.

So if you want your floor to be truly clean, go with a vacuum – preferably one with a detachable hose so you can reach those hard-to-clean places.


Should I broom or vacuum first?

According to my suggestion, the first thing you need to try is to broom your house. Vacuuming can be tough on carpets and rugs, and it’s best to start with a good old-fashioned sweeping. If you have tile or hardwood floors, however, it’s best to vacuum first and then sweep up any remaining dirt and debris.

What’s the difference between a broom and a vacuum?

Brooms are typically used on hard surfaces like wood or tile, while vacuums are better suited for carpets. That being said, there are plenty of vacuums on the market that can be used on both hard surfaces and carpeting.