How To Fix A Vacuum That Overheats

5 Steps How To Fix A Vacuum That Overheats?

Vacuum cleaners are an important part of any home, but when they start to overheat it can be a real hassle. 

Not only is it incredibly frustrating when your vacuum cleaner starts overheating, but it can also be dangerous. If the motor gets too hot it can start a fire.

In short, to fix a vacuum that overheats, first clean the filter and then the brushes. If that doesn’t work, check the vacuum for blockages. Finally, if all else fails, take it to a professional repair shop.

Keep reading to find out more because, in this article, I’ll show you how to fix a vacuum that overheats. I’ll walk you through some simple steps that will help get your vacuum cleaner back up and running in no time.

Why Does My Vacuum Cleaner Get Hot?

Before talking about how to fix an overheating vacuum, it’s important to understand why they overheat in the first place.

There are a few different reasons that your vacuum might be getting too hot. One of the most common reasons is that the filter is dirty.

A dirty filter can cause your vacuum to work harder than it needs to. This causes the motor to work overtime and can lead to overheating.

Another reason that your vacuum might be overheating is that the brush roll is blocked. The brush roll is what helps to agitate the dirt and debris on your floor.

If the brush roll is blocked, it can’t do its job properly. This can also lead to your vacuum working harder than it needs to and eventually overheating.

Finally, your vacuum might be overheating because the bag is full. A full bag can cause your vacuum to work harder than normal and can eventually lead to the motor overheating.

How To Fix A Vacuum That Overheats?

Now that we’ve talked about some of the reasons why your vacuum might overheat, let’s talk about how to fix it.

There are 5 steps to fix your overheating vacuum. These steps are:

1) Clean the Filter:

The first step is to clean the filter. A dirty filter is one of the most common reasons that vacuums overheat, so this is an important step.

To clean the filter, remove it from the vacuum and rinse it off with water. If it’s particularly dirty, you may need to use mild soap. Let the filter dry completely before putting it back in the vacuum.

If your vacuum has a HEPA filter, you’ll need to replace it instead of cleaning it.

2) Clear the Brushroll:

The second step is to clear the brush roll. If the brush roll is blocked, it can cause your vacuum to overheat.

To clear the brush roll, remove it from the vacuum and use a pair of scissors to cut away any debris that’s wrapped around it.

Once the brush roll is cleared, put it back in the vacuum and turn it on. If it’s still not spinning properly, you may need to replace it.

3) Empty the Bag:

The third step is to empty the bag. If the bag is full, it can cause your vacuum to work harder than normal and eventually overheat. To empty the bag, simply remove it from the vacuum and dispose of the contents.

If your vacuum doesn’t have a bag, you’ll need to empty the canister. To do this, remove the canister from the vacuum and empty it into the trash.

4) Give Your Vacuum a Break:

The fourth step is to give your vacuum a break. If you’ve been using it for a long time, it may be just getting too hot. Turn off the vacuum and let it cool down for at least 30 minutes. This will give the motor a chance to cool down and reset.

5) Take It to a Professional:

The fifth and final step is to take your vacuum to a professional. If you’ve tried all of the steps above and your vacuum is still overheating, there may be a more serious problem.

Taking it to a professional will allow them to diagnose the problem and get your vacuum running properly again.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix your overheating vacuum.

How To Prevent Vacuum From Heating?

Here are some steps to prevent your vacuum from overheating:

1. Empty the dustbin regularly

One of the most important steps that you need to take to prevent your vacuum from overheating is to ensure that the dustbin is emptied regularly. A full dustbin can cause the vacuum to overheat as the motor has to work harder to suck in the air.

2. Clean the filters regularly

Another important step is to clean the filters regularly. Clogged or dirty filters can also cause the vacuum to overheat as they restrict airflow.

3. Avoid using the vacuum for too long

You should also avoid using the vacuum for too long at a stretch as this can also lead to overheating. If you need to vacuum for a long period, take breaks in between so that the vacuum has a chance to cool down.

4. Use the vacuum on lower settings

If your vacuum has multiple settings, use it on the lower setting as this will put less strain on the motor and prevent overheating.

5. Keep the area around the vacuum clean

Keep the area around the vacuum clean and free from clutter as this will help ensure adequate air circulation and prevent overheating.

By following these tips, you can help prevent your vacuum from overheating and keep it running smoothly.


In conclusion, if your vacuum overheats, it is important to take some preventative steps to avoid damage. I hope this article has helped you understand the causes of overheating and how to fix a vacuum that overheats.

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of how to keep your vacuum running smoothly. Thanks for reading along!


What happens if your vacuum overheats?

If your vacuum overheats, it will automatically shut off. If this happens, check the following:

  • Is the vacuum being used on a hard floor? If so, switch to a lower power setting.
  • Is the dustbin full? Empty it and try again.
  • Are there any blockages in the vacuum’s hose or brush roll? Remove them and try again.

How long does it take for a vacuum to cool down?

It usually takes about 30 minutes for a vacuum to cool down. If the vacuum is still warm after that, try using it on a lower power setting or emptying the dustbin more often.